22 February 2009

Just in time!

While we were out house hunting, the facility here in Pyote got a sudden second round RiF. The facility population is being reduced by half, and lots of other changes are being made. They ended up RiFing 67 people while we were driving back on Friday. The cut the chaplain, Youth Rights specialist, one of only 3 psychologists (we're starting a treatment heavy program that needed all 3 psychs to operate properly) plus dozens of others I don't know about yet. Here's the relevant portion from the Executive Commissioner's e-mail on Friday:

"The most significant impact will be to the West Texas State School. We are reducing its capacity to 48 beds for youth committed to TYC from the West region. The appropriate staff size for that population is 69, which means we will be reducing staff by about 110 positions. Due to fewer vacant positions at West Texas, 67 employees will be losing their jobs.

We are transforming the West Texas campus to a less restrictive, more treatment-oriented facility. Many of the buildings on campus will be closed, and we will operate only three dorms. There will be no pickets, security units, warehouse or gate. As a regional facility, the campus will focus on chemical dependency and abuse treatment since more than 70 percent of youth from the West region come to us with identified chemical dependency and/or abuse treatment needs. We will aggressively implement CoNEXTions and best treatment practices in this smaller setting and JCOs will become much more involved in the treatment of youth."

Anyone thinking that we were supposed to somehow stay in the area understood just how blessed we were to get the first round of RiFs. I got a transfer offer, but I doubt anyone who just got RiFed will have that benefit. Gotta love Texas politics, as all this has nothing to do with the economy.

1 comment:

James said...

I just found out that some admins are mad that the youths found out about the facility changes. The CMs were called in and got a butt-chewing, as if it was their fault (nevermind the national news coverage and the general fact that the youths always find out stuff before the CMs). They were then told that, not as punishment but for maintaining security, that they would have to work 1-9 PM the rest of the week. So they were chewed out at 8 AM and then sent home to work a night shift.

My office mate is seriously considering jumping ship at this point. He's the only licensed person they have, and he figures if they don't want to treat the few remaining professionals with respect, he'll leave. The fact that that will probably kill the facility won't be his problem, as he already told them that he can't work nights on a regular basis.